Confucious Say

Today is the birthday of Kong Qiu’s, more famously known as Confucius.  Born in a difficult period of Chinese history, he rose to
the occasion and gave to the world some sayings that have become very famous.  Here are just a few:

“It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.”

“It doesn’t matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”

“There is beauty in everything but not everybody sees it.”

“He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior.”

I can go on but one that made me laugh and think many years ago went like this:  “A man will have to wait a long time with his mouth open for a roasted duck to drop in.”  Basically, he was trying to teach that one has to work hard and seize the opportunities that come our way.  There is a common saying that goes like this:  “When opportunity knocks, open the door.”  It may not always happen,
sometimes we may have to make them happen and if they come our way, we must do as Apostle Paul says:  “We have to make the most of every opportunity.”  Why? It’s because not only are the days difficult but the time is short.  And each one of us are called to make the best of what we have in life.  This reminds me of the man who came to a fortune teller deeply concerned about his future and asked the question, “How will my life end?”  The fortune teller looked in the crystal ball and accurately predicted: “Your life will end with death.”  The man nodded and said, “I know that, but I want to know if I will be happy?” And the fortune teller replied, “That has nothing to do with your future but with what you do in the present.”  May God help us to do the very best in the present and leave the rest in His hands for “This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

Shalom, Shalom!
Pastor Franklin David
