AFGHAN REFUGEE MINISTRY: “SASDAC is partnering with CHRISTALIS to collect items of need for recent evacuees from Afghanistan. The church will serve as a drop-off/consolidation site to collect items detailed on a specific list (please click the link). Please note only items listed will be accepted. Thank you for your support of our Afghan brothers and sisters. Items from the list can be dropped off at SASDAC Church Office, Mon-Sat 10 AM-1 PM. Contact Philip Stanley at 240.361.8052 for questions.”
FEEDING THE HOMELESS: Our members are involved in homeless feeding twice a month. Meals are prepared by our members and youth help in serving the homeless in Washington D.C. and Montgomery County.
COMMUNITY DAY: The Church hosts two Community Day annually. One in the Spring and the other in early Fall. Local businesses/non-profits can promote their products and services. Members and friends are encouraged to showcase their cooking talents by selling food items.