Enjoy the Journey

As I was getting ready for this trip to India, I didn’t feel as excited as I had before. I couldn’t figure out why because I always
enjoyed going on such trips. In fact, my dream job was always to be a department or associate director for the General Conference. In that capacity, I could travel the world, plus get a lot of mileage on my sermons, for all I would need is just one or two sermons in five years and I could preach them all over the world. But God has a way of speaking to us in our low moments. On that very day in our staff worship, the thought of the day was that if you want life to be better, enjoy the journey now. We just started off with our annual caroling, though it is cold and the nights are long, there is a lot of laughter, fun, and fellowship. I have seen it on the faces of all those who have been a part of this journey. Members in this community often commend us by saying, “Thank you for bringing in the Christmas spirit in our home and we long for your visits.” So, if you have not received an invitation of our visit, call the office and schedule one. If you are planning on canceling, why not give it a second thought and bring some joy into your home. Life is what we make of it. Enjoy the journey!

Shalom, Shalom!
Pastor Franklin David

“See the invisible, hear the inaudible, believe the incredible, and
think the unthinkable.”